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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/revquantum



This package attempts to solve, or at least mitigate, standard problems with writing quantum information papers in {revtex4-1}. In particular:

  • Includes titles in .
  • Allows for use of nicer-looking fonts via {mathpazo}.
  • Configures {hyperref} to make nicer-looking links and to correctly use autoref.
  • Sets up {listings} for common scientific languages and legacy environments (Python, Mathematica and MATLAB).
  • Provides notation for quantum information and makes defining new notation easier.
  • Reduces boilerplate for author affiliations by providing a (rudimentary) database for a few departments.

A major goal of this package is to reduce the amount of useless crap that needs to be copied and pasted between documents. In particular, a complete document can be written in just a few lines:



\title{Example \textsf{revquantum} Document}

\author{Christopher Granade}
\affilUSydPhys \affilEQUS







Install With PowerShell

In an attempt to cut down on the pain of package installation, {revquantum} uses PoSh to automate installation. If you're running PowerShell already, just run Install.ps1:

PS> Unblock-File Install.ps1 # Mark the installer as safe to run.
PS> ./Install.ps1

PowerShell itself is easy to install on many macOS and Linux systems using the provided packages.

Manual Installation

I think the following works on Unix-like systems. If not, let me know or pull request with better instructions.

$ latex revquantum.ins # Makes the actual .sty from the .dtx file.
$ pdflatex revquantum.dtx # Makes documentation, such as it is.
$ mkdir texdir/tex/latex/revquantum # Replace texdir with where you actually installed TeX (e.g. ~/texmf).
$ cp revquantum.sty texdir/tex/latex/revquantum # As with above, replace texdir.
$ texhash

Directions for Windows/Mik can be found thanks to this useful StackOverflow answer.


I'll write more complete documentation later (hopefully), but for now:

  • {braket} is automatically imported, defining ket, bra and braket.
  • The notation commands ii and dd typeset roman "i" and "d" characters, respectively. More generally, newrm{foo} creates a new command foo that typesets foo in math-roman. {revquantum} comes with e, TVD and T predefined using newrm.
  • Similarly, newoperator defines new commands which typeset using operatorname. By default, this is used to define Tr, Cov, supp, diag and rank.
  • The commands defeq, expect and id define the common notation :=, double-struck E and double-struck 1 (respectively).
  • newaffil{NAME}{DESCRIPTION} defines a new affiliation command affilNAME.
  • The todo command typesets its argument in purple and raises a warning when built. If {revquantum} is loaded with the final option, this warning is escalated to an error. Similarly, TODO takes no argument but inserts the placeholder "TODO" and todolist typesets an {itemize} environment in todo.

Known Issues

  • The thing is an unforgivable hack. Thankfully, I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness.
  • autoref chokes on appendices, giving nonsense like "Section A". This should be fixable, though.
  • The use of the "UW" prefix for the University of Waterloo was probably a bad idea, and will likely change so as to not preclude other universities whose names start with "W".

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (254.9k).

revquantum – Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful

This package provides a number of useful hacks to solve common annoyances with the revtex4-1 package, and to define notation in common use within quantum information. In doing so, it imports and configures a number of commonly-available and used packages, and where reasonable, provides fallbacks. It also warns when users try to load packages which are known to be incompatible with revtex4-1.

Version0.11 2017-03-15
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2016, 2017 Christopher Granade
BetreuerChristopher Granade
Enthalten inTeX Live als revquantum
MiKTeX als revquantum
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren