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Directory macros/latex/contrib/oplotsymbl


oPlotSymbl - A Package for Symbols for Scientific Plots

This package is named oPlotSymbl and it includes symbols, which are not easily available. Especially, these symbols are used in scientific plots, but the potential user is allowed to use in another way.


It exists a manual for this package. Please read this first. It is available through CTAN and TexLive/MacteX and as far as I know it is shipped with Mik as well. To install this package manually, follow these steps (all steps are for my preferred distribution „Tex Live“!):

For installing on Windows 7 (and above):

Windows 7: C:Users<user name>texmftexlatexlocal
I’m not able to test this for Windows 7 and especially for the new Windows 10. If this directory is wrong, it would be really nice to inform me!

Perhaps it is necessary to reload database which includes a list of all installed packages. To tell / Live that there is a new package, I would recommend this thread: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20160/how-to-register-my-own-packages-or-classes-in-a-separate-drive-to-tex-live-insta

For installing on Mac (Mac OS X and macOS):

For Mac: /Users/<user name>/Library/texmf/tex/latex/local/

This should work for 10.9 and above. If not, then be so kind to inform me. As I know it is not necessary to reload database. It should work automatically after restart.

Thanks in advance for telling any problems to make this work even better!

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (234.0k).

oPlotSymbl – Some symbols which are not easily available

This package is named oPlotSymbl and it includes symbols, which are not easily available. Especially, these symbols are used in scientific plots, but the potential user is allowed to use them in other ways.

This package uses TikZ and xcolor.

Version1.4 2017-08-04
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2017 B. Michel Döhring
MaintainerB. Michel Döhring
Contained inTeX Live as oplotsymbl
MiKTeX as oplotsymbl
TopicsGraphics symbols
See alsoThe Comprehensive Symbol List
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