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Directory macros/latex/contrib/aeb_pro/aebxmp


The aebxmp Package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2017-02-17

This is a package that requies the document author to have the full Acrobat application. In this case the dvips/Distiller, pdflatex, or xelatex workflow may be use to create the PDF.

The package provides commands for populating certain additional metadata, beyond that already provided by hyperref.

  1. Commands to set the copyright status, notice, and url fields (as seen in the Additional Metadata dialog accessed from the Document Properties > Description tab.
  1. (v2.0) Added support for two other fields found in the Additional Metadata dialog box: for populating Author Title and Description Writer.
  1. (v2.0) aebxmp also sets the value of Created as seen at the bottom of the Additional Metadata dialog box
  1. (v2.0) aebxmp defines the Authors command for setting multiple authors, the authors are accessible separately using Doc.info.Authors.
  1. (v2.0) Finally, aebxmp defines a command for setting custom document properties, this is seen on the Custom tab of the Document Properties dialog box.
  1. (v2.2) Added a Keywords command that takes a comma-delimited list of keywords, and creates an array of keywords. These keywords can be accessed individually using a special document-level JavaScript function.
  1. (v2.3) Rewrote some of the code so that now the XMP package is set using only E4X; removed all literal elements.
  1. (v2.3d) Added access functions getCopyrightStatus(), getCopyrightInfoURL(), getAuthorTitle(), and getDescriptionWriter().
  1. (v2.5) Extended aebxmp to include a non-Distiller workflow as long as the document author has the Acrobat application.

10. (v2.5a) Require insdljs dated 2016/07/31 to make colon syntax available. Values of customProperties can use the colon notation.

My other web site is http://www.acrotex.net/, follow my articles at http://blog.acrotex.net.

Now, I simply must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story dpstory at acrotex dot net

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (153.0k).

aebXMP – Add advanced metadata to PDF files

The package fills in advanced metadata (more than is possible with hyperref), using the E4X xml parser in Acrobat Professional 8.

The package is part of the AeB Pro bundle of packages.

Home pagehttp://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/webeq.html
Version 2017-02-17
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2006–2017 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as aebxmp
MiKTeX as aebxmp
PDF features
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