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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/adjmulticol

Adjusting Margins for Multicolumn and Unicolumn Output

An extension to the multicol package for changing margins for
multicolumn layout and one column output


   v1.1  Changed calculations for unicolumn layout
         which might previously lead to loss of text

   v1.2  Bug fix: now adjmulticols works inside a box too.

   v1.3  Big fix: disappearing material in one column output

   v1.4  New version of bug fix with one column

   v1.5  Added space after one column material

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (312.7k).

adjmulticol – Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output

The package adds, to the multicol package, the option to change the margins for multicolumn and unicolumn layout. The package understands the difference between the even and odd margins for two side printing.

Version1.5 2022-05-15
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2022 Boris Veytsman
BetreuerBoris Veytsman
Enthalten inTeX Live als adjmulticol
MiKTeX als adjmulticol
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