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Verzeichnis macros/latex-dev/required/l3backend


3 Backend Drivers

Release 2024-05-08

This package forms parts of expl3, and contains the code used to interface with backends (drivers) across the expl3 codebase. The functions here are defined differently depending on the engine in use. As such, these are distributed separately from l3kernel to allow this code to be updated on an independent schedule.

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All rights reserved.

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l3backend-dev – 3 backend drivers (dev)

This is a pre-release version of the l3backend package. It accompanies the pre-testing kernel code (latex-base-dev), and is intended for testing by knowledgeable users.

Version 2024-05-08
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2019–2024 The 3 Project
BetreuerThe Project Team
Enthalten inTeX Live als l3backend-dev
MiKTeX als l3backend-dev
Pre release
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