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Verzeichnis macros/generic/minifp

The MiniFP package


  minifp.sty defines macros for calculating with decimal real numbers.
  It provides 8 decimal digits before and after the decimal point.
  Minifp also provides a stack-based "assembly" language for writing

  In its basic form, minifp makes only simple operations available. To
  get additional operations (sine, cosine, angle, square root, log and
  exp), the file mfpextra.tex is provided.

  Minifp should work in both LaTeX and plainTeX.

  This is version 0.96. It should work reasonably well, barring any
  bugs, but I expect to spend some time fine-tuning it before calling it
  version 1.0.


  All files of the minifp distribution (listed below) may be distributed
  and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
  License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any
  later version. The latest version of this license is in
  and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
  version 2008/12/01 or later.

  While every effort has been made to make minifp useful, it comes with
  no warranty, expressed or implied.


  You can use minifp as a LaTeX package with
  or use it in plain TeX with
        \input minifp.sty

  You can access the extra commands from mfpextra.tex by issuing the
  after minifp.sty has been loaded.


  To install minifp, obtain minifp.tds.zip from CTAN and unzip it in any
  TDS-compliant texmf tree.

  Or, in the presence of minifp.dtx, run tex or latex on minifp.ins to
  unpack the files minifp.sty and mfpextra.tex. Copy those files to some
  place where both tex and latex can find them. For example, in a TDS
  compliant system, the directory /tex/generic/minifp/ under one of your
  TEXMF root directories.

  The documentation is provided in minifp.pdf. Put minifp.pdf (and this
  README and the files test*.tex, if you wish) wherever documentation of
  packages is kept. For example, in the directory /doc/generic/minifp/
  under one of your TEXMF root directories.

  If you wish to regenerate the documentation, run latex (or pdflatex)
  on minifp.dtx three times and then
        makeindex -s gind.ist -o minifp.ind minifp.idx
  and then (pdf)latex again on minifp.dtx.


  These, together with the files minifp.sty and mfpextra.tex (generated
  by tex-ing minifp.ins), constitute the minifp distribution to which the
  license applies:

    minifp.dtx      Contains minifp.sty and mfpextra.tex
    minifp.ins      The unpacking script: run tex or latex on it.
                    It reads in minifp.dtx and produces the files
                    minifp.sty and mfpextra.tex
    minifp.pdf      Documentation
    test1.tex       A suite of tests, including error messages (plain TeX)
    test2.tex       More tests, including long tests of speed (plain TeX)
    README          This file.

  This distribution, the latest updates, and possibly some past
  versions, should also be available at my web site:

  Version 0.96:  Added random number generator, based on random.tex
  Version 0.95:  More testing. Changed square root of negative from an
                 error to a warning. Documentation updated. Now mfpextra
                 checks for minifp.sty and inputs it if needed.
  Version 0.94:  Improved accuracy of log, sin and sqrt.
  Version 0.93:  Corrected mistyped data for logarithm.
                 Fixed bugs in degree/radian conversions.
  Version 0.92:  Corrected sign of floor and ceiling. Corrected
                 occasional minus sign in front of 0.0 for sin or cos.
  Version 0.9 :  angle: near maximum accuracy, at some cost to speed.
  Version 0.8 :  exp: now more accurate for many cases.
  Version 0.7 :  sqrt: now exact when possible and much more accurate.
  Version 0.6 :  Added angle to mfpextra. Changed package name to minifp.
  Version 0.5 :  Added sqrt, deg, rad to mfpextra.
  Version 0.4 :  Added log, exp, pow to mfpextra.
  Version 0.3 :  Added mfpextra.tex, defines sin and cos.
  Version 0.2 :  Added macros for printing, formatting the results.
  Version 0.1 :  First working set of macros. Package named mfp.sty.

Dan Luecking  <luecking (at) uark (dot) edu>
Department of Mathematical Sciences
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201

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minifp – Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals

The package provides basic arithmetic operations to 8 decimal places for plain or . Results are exact when they fit within the digit limits. Along with the basic package is an optional extension that adds computation of sin, cos, log, sqrt, exp, powers and angles. These are also exact when theoretically possible and are otherwise accurate to at least 7 decimal places.

In addition, the package provides a stack-based programing environment.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2008–2013 Daniel H. Luecking
BetreuerDaniel H. Luecking
Enthalten inTeX Live als minifp
MiKTeX als minifp
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