Directory macros/context/contrib/context-vim
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context-vim – Generate ConTeXt syntax highlighting code from vim
ConTeXt has excellent pretty printing capabilities for many languages. The code for pretty printing is written in TeX, and due to catcode juggling, such verbatim typesetting is perhaps the trickiest part of TeX. This makes it difficult for a “normal” user to define syntax highlighting rules for a new language. This module takes the onus of defining syntax highlighting rules away from the user and uses ViM editor to generate the syntax highlighting. There is a helper 2context.vim script to do the syntax parsing in ViM.
Package | context-vim |
Version | 2022-02-17 |
Licenses | BSD Style License |
Maintainer | Aditya Mahajan Mojca Miklavec (inactive) |
Contained in | TeX Live as context-vim |
Topics | Syntax highlight External code ConTeXt |
See also | context-filter |