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Verzeichnis graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-solarsystem

pst-solarsystem: drawing solar objects 

Save the files pst-solarsystem.sty|tex|pro in a directory, which is part of your 
local TeX tree or use your package manager to install pst-solarsystem.

PSTricks is PostScript Tricks, the documentation cannot be run
with pdftex, use the sequence latex->dvips->ps2pdf or xelatex or (best) 
lualatex (creates directly a PDF).


Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (493.3k).

pst-solarsystem – Plot the solar system for a specific date

The package uses pstricks to produce diagrams of the visible planets, projected on the plane of the ecliptic. It is not possible to represent all the planets in their real proportions, so only Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars have their orbits in correct proportions and their relative sizes are observed. Saturn and Jupiter are in the right direction, but not in the correct size.

Version0.15 2024-02-02
LizenzenThe Project Public License
BetreuerManuel Luque
Herbert Voß
Enthalten inTeX Live als pst-solarsystem
MiKTeX als pst-solarsystem
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