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Directory graphics/pgf/contrib/quiver


quiver: a modern commutative diagram editor

quiver is a modern, graphical editor for commutative and pasting diagrams, capable of rendering high-quality diagrams for screen viewing, and exporting to . The quiver package is intended to be used in conjunction with the editor, and provides the packages and styles that are used by diagrams exported from the editor.


This package is subject to the MIT License.


This package is maintained by varkor (https://github.com/varkor). The repository and issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/varkor/quiver.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (182.1k).

quiver – Draw commutative diagrams exported from https://q.uiver.app

Quiver is a modern graphical editor for commutative and pasting diagrams, capable of rendering high-quality diagrams for screen viewing, and exporting to .

This package is intended to be used in conjunction with the editor, and provides the packages and styles that are used by diagrams exported from the editor.

Home pagehttps://q.uiver.app/
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/varkor/quiver/issues
LicensesMIT License
Contained inTeX Live as quiver
TopicsPGF TikZ
Graphics in
Commutative Diagrams
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