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Verzeichnis graphics/pgf/contrib/kblocks


kblocks package, v.2.0.kblocks example demo diagram


A Macro Package to Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs with TikZ/PGF

Statement of Need

Desiring to typeset control block diagrams in and dissatisfied with the other macro packages that can be found online, I thought: why not write my own macro package for this purpose.

Like all packages, TikZ/PGF inherits the steep learning curve, that is, no what you see is what you get. Basically, kblocks defines a number of macro commands to make drawing control block diagrams using TikZ/ PGF more structured and easier. This macro reduces the length of this learning curve and serves as a frontend, by focusing the theme on control block diagrams only.

Getting Started

You will find a demo and an introduction in kblocks-doc.pdf file.

Fortunately this documentation in kblocks-doc.pdf as it grows and gets to be improved, will come with a number of slowly-paced tutorials, which will guide you on creating control block diagrams with the kblocks macro.


Licensing of this package is covered by the MIT Licence.

Issues and Feedback

My wish is that you find it helpful. Don’t forget to share and like. Please feel free to e-mail me for any improvement or suggestion with respect to using kblocks and making it useful for researchers, students and others involved in the applications and field of control theory.

Any feedback is welcome: oasomefun@futa.edu.ng<Oluwasegun Somefun>.

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kblocks – Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs

Kblocks defines a number of commands to make drawing control block diagrams using TikZ/PGF more structured and easier. It reduces the learning curve forTikZ/PGF and serves as a frontend, by focusing on the block resp. flow diagrams only.

LizenzenMIT License
Copyright2021 Oluwasegun Somefun
BetreuerOluwasegun Somefun
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