CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/bartel-chess-fonts

README for bartel-chess-fonts

The fonts contained in this package are originally distributed
on CTAN in the
(in the directory CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/chess-problem-diagrams)

The original README states:

   The font sources by Elmar Bartel are published under conditions of the 
   GNU General Public License.

This package was create to ease installation, in this process tfm files
for all fonts have been created (but fselch30 and fselch34 which are

To keep the namespace of metafont files sane, the following files have
been renamed to less generic names:
	bishop.mf	->	elch-bishop.mf
	blackfield.mf	->	elch-blackfield.mf
	chbase.mf	->	elch-chbase.mf
	equi.mf		->	elch-equi.mf
	geo.mf		->	elch-geo.mf
	king.mf		->	elch-king.mf
	knight.mf	->	elch-knight.mf
	pawn.mf		->	elch-pawn.mf
	queen.mf	->	elch-queen.mf
	rook.mf		->	elch-rook.mf
plus the respective input statements in fselch.mf adapted.

Furthermore, the files in the original fonts.zip have been split
into those that are actually needed by the fselch* pkelch* driver 
sources in the root directory, and additional test files
(in the subdirectory doc).

Any complains should be send to 

Norbert Preining
for the TeX Live Team

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (82.4k).

bartel-chess-fonts – A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams

The fonts are provided as source.

Version 2010-11-27
LicensesGNU General Public License
MaintainerElmar Bartel
Norbert Preining
Contained inTeX Live as bartel-chess-fonts
MiKTeX as bartel-chess-fonts
MF Font
Chess Font
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