Suggestions for yax
The following packages have something in common with the package yax. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- scrbase: Provide basic features for KOMA-Script
- texdimens: Conversion of TeX dimensions to decimals
- simplekv: A simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX
- expkv-opt: Parse class and package options with expkv
- expkv-def: A key-defining frontend for expkv
- expkv: An expandable key=val implementation
- texapi: Macros to write format-independent packages
- etoolbox-generic: A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
- luakeys: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- polexpr: A parser for polynomial expressions
- expkv-cs: Define expandable key=val macros using expkv
- expkv-bundle: An expandable key=val implementation and friends
- chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax
- lparse: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- etex-pkg: E-TeX support package
- bxcalc: Extend the functionality of the calc package
- xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
- glosmathtools: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
- etoc: Completely customisable TOCs
- biblatex: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities
- etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX
- options: Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
- keycommand: Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
- keyreader: A robust interface to xkeyval
- keyval2e: A lightweight and robust key-value parser
- ltxkeys: A robust key parser for LaTeX
- pgfkeyx: Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
- skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys
- keyval: Process 'key=value' schemes
- kvoptions: Key value format for package options