Suggestions for ptsans
The following packages have something in common with the package ptsans. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- biolinum-type1: (pdf)LaTeX support for the Biolinum family of fonts
- libertine-type1: (pdf)LaTeX support for the Libertine family of fonts
- cantarell: LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
- hfbright: The hfbright fonts
- epigrafica: A Greek and Latin font
- cyklop: The Cyclop typeface
- overlock: Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
- carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
- lato: Lato font family and LaTeX support
- opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
- newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
- atkinson: Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts
- libertinust1math: A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
- urw-arial: URW Arial font pack for use with LaTeX
- tex-gyre-heros: A font family that extends URW Nimbus Sans L
- urw-grotesq: URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
- gentium-original: Gentium font and support files
- hwkatakana: Half-width katakana fonts
- oldstandardt1: Type 1 versions of Old Standard fonts with LaTeX support
- ptserif: PT Serif font and LaTeX support
- courier: Adobe Type 1 “free” copies of Courier
- librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- gudea: The Gudea font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- magra: The Magra font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
- cascadia-code: The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
- arimo: Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
- antp: Antykwa Półtawskiego: a Type 1 family of Polish traditional type
- qfonts: PostScript (Adobe Type 1) fonts in QX layout
- libertinus-type1: Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX