Suggestions for context-vim
The following packages have something in common with the package context-vim. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- context-filter: Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment
- maker: Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents
- qsharp: Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
- hvpygmentex: Syntax-Highlighting of program code
- pygmentex: Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
- highlightlatex: Syntax highlighting for LaTeX
- shdoc: Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session
- sclang-prettifier: Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
- codebox: Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- codehigh: Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- listingsutf8: Allow UTF-8 in listings input
- minted: Highlighted source code for LaTeX
- listings: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
- bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX
- download: Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
- graphicscache: Cache includegraphics calls
- jupynotex: Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
- piton: Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX
- hvextern: Write and execute external code, and insert the output
- context-taspresent: Simple presentations using ConTeXt
- context-visualcounter: Visual display of ConTeXt counters
- context-simpleslides: A module for preparing presentations
- context-sudoku: Sudokus for ConTeXt
- context-layout: Show ConTeXt layouts
- context-title: Place document titles
- context-annotation: Annotate text blocks
- code: Typeset "code" in verbatim
- memoize: Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general
- context-sgf: A Go system in ConTeXt
- context-interval-calendar: Date driven lists or lists driven by date-intervals
- context-calendar-examples: Collection of calendars based on the PocketDiary-module