pxjodel – Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
This package changes the setup of the japanese-otf package so that the TFMs for direct input are all replaced by new ones with prefixed names; for example, nmlminr-h will be replaced by foo--nmlminr-h, where foo is a prefix specified by the user.
This function will assist users who want to use the japanese-otf package together with tailored TFMs of Japanese fonts.The “jodel” part of the package name stands for “japanese-otf deluxe”. Here “deluxe” is the name of japanese-otf’s option for employing multi-weight Japanese font families. This option is probably the most likely reason for using japanese-otf. So pxjodel is really about japanese-otf’s “deluxe” option, hence the name. It is not related to yodel singing, although some sense of word-play is intended.
Sources | /macros/jptex/latex/pxjodel |
Documentation | |
Repository | https://github.com/zr-tex8r/PXjodel |
Version | 0.3 2020-05-04 |
Licenses | MIT License |
Copyright | 2019–2020 Takayuki YATO (aka. “ZR”) |
Maintainer | Takayuki Yato |
Contained in | TeX Live as pxjodel MiKTeX as pxjodel |
Topics | Font management Japanese Font sel CJK Font Font use |
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