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harvard – Harvard citation package for use with 2e

This is a re-implementation, for 2e, of the original Harvard package. The bundle contains the package, several styles, and a ‘Perl package’ for use with 2HTML.

Harvard is an author-year citation style (all but the first author are suppressed in second and subsequent citations of the same entry); the package defines several variant styles:

  • apsr.bst for the American Political Science Review;
  • agsm.bst for Australian Government publications;
  • dcu.bst from the Design Computing Unit of the University of Sydney;
  • kluwer.bstwhich aims at the format preferred in Kluwer publications;
  • nederlands.bst which deals with sorting Dutch names with prefixes (such as van) according to Dutch rules,
  • together with several styles whose authors offer no description of their behaviour.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright1994 Peter Williams
BetreuerThorsten Schnier (inaktiv)
Peter Williams (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als harvard
MiKTeX als harvard
Siehe auchhar2nat

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