Change Log 1.5
Version 1.5.43 [2016-08-18]
- Gmane mailing list archives seem to be down forever. Thus the references to it have been removed.
- Announcements on CTAN-ann are shown on the CTAN portal now.
- The cover page shows a short list of recent postings to ctan-ann.
- A somewhat longer page with announcements is linked there.
- There you can find a links to the Atom 1.0 feed and a RSS 2.0 feed of the newest announcements.
- The page
is gone and redirects to this announcements page - The package pages have a short list of announcements for the package.
- They are missing if no announcements have been recognized yet.
- From the package page you can navigate to a longer list of announcements of the package.
- There you can find a link to the Atom 1.0 feed and a RSS 2.0 feed for the package.
- Auto discovery of Atom and RSS channels has been added. Unfortunately many modern browsers need a plugins to make use of this.
- Redirecting file URLs in the tex-archive to mirror sites.
- Text for “Did you know” on the cover page partially translated to German.
- Hyphenation of webmaster mail address disabled.
- Link to single-file packages redirected to CTAN mirrors.
Version 1.5.42 [2016-07-26]
- Asynchronous loading of files and directories added to
browser. A spinner is shown in this case. - File browser abbreviates size and date. The full values are shown on mouse-over.
- Error on error pages fixed.
Version 1.5.41 [2016-07-17]
- The search form presents Lucene errors more gently.
Version 1.5.40 [2016-07-03]
- Fighting spam via the mirror registration form.
Version 1.5.39 [2016-06-30]
- Validation for the mirror registration fixed.
- Description on the upload page improved.
Version 1.5.38 [2016-06-09]
- Ordering the packages on the author page.
- Pop-up message as new message type introduced to present one-time messages to the user.
Version 1.5.37 [2016-05-02]
- Ignoring HTML entities in upload improved.
Version 1.5.36 [2016-05-01]
- Notification partially moved from configuration to database to make it online editable.
- Upload notification improved.
Version 1.5.35 [2016-03-12]
- Minor extension for date-related tags.
Version 1.5.34 [2016-02-12]
- Disallow the same extensions for uploaded files on the client and the server.
Version 1.5.33 [2016-01-22]
- Suppress inactive mark for died authors.
Version 1.5.32 [2016-01-11]
- Flag for Algeria added.
- Warning for elsarticle upload added.
Version 1.5.31 [2015-12-08]
- Special treatment for index to fix a problem with the package index and the topic index.
- Menu bar on small devices improved.
- Icons added to foot buttons in generic layouts.
Version 1.5.30 [2015-11-15]
- Gender added to authors.
- Marking of deceased authors prepared.
- Making the menus more mobile friendly.
Version 1.5.29 [2015-10-19]
- Cursor change added for the generic skins.
- Reducing search to magnifier icon on small devices.
- Improvements for several skins.
Version 1.5.28 [2015-10-08]
- Upload statistics added to cover page.
- Fixed: readme files have to be real files.
- Fixed: soft hyphens on mirrors page.
Version 1.5.27 [2015-09-27]
- Markdown renderer gracefully ignores single space before itemize or enumerate item.
- New favicons in various incarnations added.
- File search added to search menu.
- Typo on the upload page fixed.
- Tool tip for feedback improved.
- Headline for README added on browser page.
- Responsive design on browser page improved.
Version 1.5.26 [2015-09-06]
- Explanations in upload form improved.
- Links for rsync URLs of mirrors removed.
Version 1.5.25 [2015-08-23]
- /pkg/* URLs can take the name as well as the key of the package.
- New policy for readme files documented.
- Error handling for mirror registration improved.
Version 1.5.24 [2015-08-01]
- Link in recommendations fixed.
Version 1.5.23 [2015-07-27]
- Documentation of markdown for bold and italic text fixed.
- Sorting of LUGs fixed – kind of.
- Lithuanian flag fixed.
- Tool tips improved.
- Renamed recommendations to suggestions.
- Missing translations on the settings page added.
Version 1.5.22 [2015-07-25]
- Link to topics in menu fixed.
Version 1.5.21 [2015-07-18]
- Color version of TeX collection integrated.
- Several images for packages added.
- Migrated to lightbox 2.7.1.
- World map of mirrors changed to GeoChart.
- Misleading country in mirror registration removed.
Version 1.5.20 [2015-06-15]
- Upload problem fixed.
- TeX collection 2015 updated on cover.
Version 1.5.19 [2015-06-14]
- Breadcrumb for packages fixed.
- Fixes and improvements in the administration interface.
Version 1.5.18 [2015-06-08]
- Length of announcement for upload form raised to 8192.
- Omitting multi-column layout on author page if only few packages have to be shown.
- Scheme of uploaded files altered.
Version 1.5.17 [2015-04-06]
- Clarification of the announcement text on the upload page.
- Subsections for countries on the mirrors page added. Regions identical to the city are suppressed.
Version 1.5.16 [2015-03-27]
- Cambridge site is history now.
- Improvement for broken links in markdown.
Version 1.5.15 [2015-03-22]
- Improved line breaking and switch to one column layout on upload notification page.
- Fix for image links in markdown.
Version 1.5.14 [2015-03-21]
- Contact author button added.
- Layout improvements on small devices added.
- Fix for irc links in markdown.
Version 1.5.13 [2015-03-09]
- Feedback button added.
- Accepting soft hyphen in upload form.
Version 1.5.12 [2015-03-01]
- Using a reduced head background image for gray skins.
- Word marks TeX Live and MiKTeX fixed.
- Check box position on settings page fixed.
- Escaping in guest book item fixed.
- Back-end processing of uploads and mirror registrations improved.
Version 1.5.11 [2015-02-23]
- Links on the licenses page fixed.
- Text on upload page improved.
Version 1.5.10 [2015-02-19]
- Toggling of indentation for share links added.
- The featured topic on the cover page randomly takes into consideration the package last visited.
- Separate maintenance page added.
Version 1.5.9 [2015-02-14]
- Upload notification clarified.
- Upload email improved.
Version 1.5.8 [2015-02-09]
- Upload form validations for textareas withdrawn.
Version 1.5.7 [2015-02-08]
- Upload form enhanced with more client-side validations. Especially the format of the CTAN path and the use of special characters is restricted.
- Upload protocol improved.
- Upload communication with the back-end extended.
Version 1.5.6 [2015-02-06]
- List of licenses improved.
- Upload notification email improved.
Version 1.5.5 [2015-02-01]
- Flags displaying the sections of an extended search fixed.
- Redirects for ancient URLs fixed.
- Relative URLs in HTML forms of HTMLified README files fixed.
Version 1.5.4 [2015-01-30]
- The simple default search is restricted to the catalogue and the portal itself.
- Some links fixed.
- Catalogue import fixed.
Version 1.5.3 [2015-01-26]
- Fix: mirror monitor page fixed.
Version 1.5.2 [2015-01-25]
- Fix: indexing of files improved.
Version 1.5.1 [2015-01-22]
- /search.html added to ancient URLs. Not proposed, not liked, but working.
- Fix in guest book: avoid Exception
Version 1.5.0 [2015-01-21]
- Navigation buttons extended by drop-down menus. Thus more navigation items are present on each page.
- Link to share pages on social media platforms have been added. The impact of using the Javascript libraries have been omitted by using a link-only interface each.
- Search for file names enabled.
- Teaser images for packages and topics added. This feature is experimental. Only a few images are present yet. The plain skins do not show these images at all.
- HTML structure and CSS improved to speed up the response time.
- Upgrade to Grails 2.4.4 including upgrade of all plugins used.
- Migrated from resources plugin to asset pipeline (Partially).
- Upgrade to Lucene 4.10.3.
- Fix: ignoring shy in search. Thus cut and paste to search field works more smoothly.
- Fix: Umlaut problem in search fixed.
- Fix: disabling the hyphenation has been rewritten.
This is version 2.7.30 of the CTAN portal. For more details see: