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CTAN update: footmisc

Date: February 15, 2022 1:43:33 PM CET
Frank Mittelbach submitted an update to the footmisc package. Version: 6.0b 2022-02-14 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: A range of footnote options Announcement text:
Bug fix release (6.0b): logic for "bottom" was not correct and "bottomfootnotes" is not needed as an option, so removed again. The announcement for version 6.x.x should therefore be modified to run like this: > Previous version was 5.5b from 2011. This is now version 6. A few > bugs have been fixed and the following new options have been added: > > - bottomfloats > - abovefloats > - belowfloats > > For details see the package documentation. > > There is a rollback possibility using either a date '[=YYYY-MM-DD]' > or the string '[=v5]' as the second optional argument to \usepackage, > e.g., \usepackage{footmisc}[=v5].
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/footmisc The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/footmisc/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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footmisc – A range of footnote options

A collection of ways to change the typesetting of footnotes. The package provides means of changing the layout of the footnotes themselves (including setting them in ‘paragraphs’ — the para option), a way to number footnotes per page (the perpage option), to make footnotes disappear in a ‘moving’ argument (stable option) and to deal with multiple references to footnotes from the same place (multiple option). The package also has a range of techniques for labelling footnotes with symbols rather than numbers.

Some of the functions of the package are overlap with the functionality of other packages. The para option is also provided by the manyfoot and bigfoot packages, though those are both also portmanteau packages. (Don’t be seduced by fnpara, whose implementation is improved by the present package.) The perpage option is also offered by footnpag and by the rather more general-purpose perpage

Version6.0f 2023-07-05
Copyright1995–2011 Robin Fairbairns
2018–2023 Frank Mittelbach
MaintainerFrank Mittelbach
Robin Fairbairns (deceased)



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