CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: pst-geo

Date: December 14, 2016 8:41:00 PM CET
Herbert Voß submitted an update to the pst-geo package. Version number: 0.06 License type: lppl Summary description: Geographical Projections Announcement text:
pst-geo ist a new package and it collects all macros of the old packages pst-map3d, pst-map3dII, pst-map2d and pst-map2dII. There are also some more data files for the coordinates of cities or capitals.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-geo More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pst-geo
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz We are supported by the TeX user groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

pst-geo – Geographical Projections

The package offers a set of PSTricks related packages for various cartographic projections of the terrestrial sphere. The package pst-map2d provides conventional projections such as Mercator, Lambert, cylindrical, etc.

The package pst-map3d treats representation in three dimensions of the terrestrial sphere. Packages pst-map2dII and pst-map3dII allow use of the CIA World DataBank II. Various parameters of the packages allow for choice of the level of the detail and the layouts possible (cities, borders, rivers etc).

Substantial data files are provided, in an (internally) compressed format. Decompression happens on-the-fly as a document using the data is displayed, printed or converted to PDF format. A Perl script is provided for the user to do the decompression, if the need should arise.

MaintainerManuel Luque
Giuseppe Matarazzo
Herbert Voß



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