CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN bundle update --- archaic fonts (several)

Datum: 13. November 2005 11:05:06 MEZ
Peter Wilson writes: > I have uploaded archaic.tar.gz to UK incoming. Please use the contents > to replace the equivalent files in /fonts/archaic (and asamples.pdf > replacing asamples.ps). There are no technical changes but a *.map file has > been provided covering all my archaic fonts. > > I have also uploaded the following .tar.gz files: > hieroglf, > protosem, > phoenician, > greek4cbc, > greek6cbc, > etruscan, > runic, > nabatean, and > oands. > Theses should replace the corresponding subdirectores under fonts/archaic. > The revisions to the bundles are essentially new *.pfb and *.afm files with > FontNames matching the *.map files. The FontName for font "Font" now follows > the scheme Archaic-Font. i've installed the lot (whew!), and am updating the catalogue for every font in the entire bundle (since they used to refer to archaic/asample.ps...) thanks for the uploads. Robin Fairbairns For the CTAN team

archaic – A collection of archaic fonts

The collection contains fonts to represent Aramaic, Cypriot, Etruscan, Greek of the 6th and 4th centuries BCE, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Linear A, Linear B, Nabatean old Persian, the Phaistos disc, Phoenician, proto-Semitic, runic, South Arabian Ugaritic and Viking scripts.

The bundle also includes a small font for use in phonetic transcription of the archaic writings. The bundle's own directory includes a font installation map file for the whole collection.

BetreuerApostolos Syropoulos
Peter R. Wilson
Uwe Zimmermann



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