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Directory macros/luatex/latex/lualatex-truncate



This package provides a wrapper for the truncate package package, which fixes issues related to Lua's hyphenation algorithm.


lualatex-truncate depends on these packages: iftex, letltxmacro and truncate


Extract the package file first:

  1. Run over the file lualatex-truncate.ins

2. Move the resulting .sty file to TEXMF/tex/lualatex/lualatex-truncate/

Then, you can compile the documentation yourself by executing

lualatex lualatex-truncate-doc.dtx
makeindex -s gind.ist lualatex-truncate-doc.idx
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o lualatex-truncate-doc.gls lualatex-truncate-doc.glo
lualatex lualatex-truncate-doc.dtx
lualatex lualatex-truncate-doc.dtx

or just use the precompiled documentation shipped with the source files. In both cases, copy the files lualatex-truncate-doc.pdf and README.md to TEXMF/doc/lualatex/lualatex-truncate/.


LPPL 1.3c or any later version (available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt)

This package is maintained. Current maintainer is Sebastian Friedl.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (67.1k).

lualatex-truncate – A wrapper for using the truncate package with Lua

This package provides a wrapper for the truncate package, thus fixing issues related to Lua’s hyphenation algorithm.

Bug trackerhttps://gitlab.com/SFr682k/lualatex-truncate/-/issues
Version1.1 2018-08-22
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2018 Sebastian Friedl
MaintainerSebastian Friedl
Contained inTeX Live as lualatex-truncate
MiKTeX as lualatex-truncate
See alsotruncate
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