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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/thaienum


Thai Enumeration Package

This thaienum package provides the command to use Thai numerals (๑ ๒ ๓ ๔ ...) or Thai characters (ก ข ค ง ...) as labels in enumerate environment.


Once the package is loaded with \usepackage{thaienum}, you can use labels such as \thainum* or \thaimultialph* in conjunction with the package enumitem. See the documentation for concrete examples.

Package maintenance

The author and maintainer of this package is Abhabongse Janthong. Anything regardling this package such as bug report or suggestions should be reported via GitHub at https://github.com/abhabongse/latex-thaienum/issues.


This package, which includes all files in this repository, is released under the project public license (LPPL), version 1.3c.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (183.6k).

thaienum – Thai labels in enumerate environments

This package provides a command to use Thai numerals or characters as labels in enumerate environments.

Once the package is loaded with \usepackage{thaienum} you can use labels such as \thainum* or \thaimultialph* in conjunction with the package enumitem. Concrete examples are given in the documentation.

Version0.2 2017-04-30
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2017 Abhabongse Janthong
BetreuerAbhabongse Janthong
Enthalten inTeX Live als thaienum
MiKTeX als thaienum
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