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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/darkmode


darkmode Package

Author: Ruben Deisenroth


The darkmode Package provides an API for template and package developers to create dynamic color schemes for light- and darkmodes. For those unaware: We refer to dark mode when a document has a dark background with a light font and to light mode if it has a dark font with a light background.


The darkmode package and all of it's contents are licensed under LPPL Version 1.3c.

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darkmode – General Dark Mode Support for -Documents

This package provides an API for template and package developers to create dynamic color schemes for light- and darkmodes.

For those unaware: We refer to dark mode when a document has a dark background with a light font and to light mode if it has a dark font with a light background.

Version1.0.1 2022-09-01
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2022 Ruben Deisenroth
BetreuerRuben Deisenroth
Enthalten inTeX Live als darkmode
MiKTeX als darkmode
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