Directory macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-jura
$Id: README,v 0.1.1 2008/12/09 BH alpha $ Please note that this package is in alpha stage and released for testing only. Description: Biblatex-jura provides biblatex support for references and citations in the style defined by the Nomos-Verlag for german legal citations. It can easily be adapted to similar citation formats. Installation: Copy the .cbx and .bbx files to: <TEXMFLOCAL>/tex/latex/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-jura/ where <TEXMFLOCAL> denotes the root of the local TeX installation. Don't forget to update the file hash tables after installing the files. Usage: 1. Call the biblatex-jura style in your Latex document using the following two lines in your Latex preface: \usepackage[style=biblatex-jura]{biblatex} \bibliography{<bibfile>} - (replace "<bibfile>" with the name of your .bib bibliography file) 2. Cite a text with \footcite[<page>]{<key>} (or \footnote{\cite[<page>{<key>}.}. See additional information about how to use citation commands in the biblatex-documentation. This style adds some additional features as support for different article-types (american, periodic, newspaper) and a new entry type for german legal commentaries (@customa), providing for a new use of the prenote: \footcite[Bearbeiter][� 12 BGB Rn. 12]{<commentary-key>} gives: Bearb. in: title, � 12 BGB Rn. 12. So far documentation of how to use these features is only available inside the bbx and cbx files. 3. Before the end of your document, include the following line where you want your bibliography to appear: \printbibliography This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.
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biblatex-jura – BibLaTeX stylefiles for German legal literature
The package provides BibLaTeX support for citations in the format specified by the Nomos-Verlag for German legal citations.
Package | biblatex-jura |
Version | 0.1.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Ben E. Hard |
Contained in | MiKTeX as biblatex-jura |
Topics | Legal BibLaTeX |