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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/german

The babel-german bundle

German language support for the babel multilingual package

Copyright 1989--2024 Johannes L. Braams
                     Bernd Raichle
                     Walter Schmidt,
                     Jürgen Spitzmüller

Current Maintainer: Jürgen Spitzmüller
E-mail: juergen (at) spitzmueller (dot) org

Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later
See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt


This bundle is an extension to the babel package for multilingual
typesetting. It provides all necessary macros, definitions and settings
to typeset German documents. The bundle includes support for the
traditional and reformed German orthography as well as for the Austrian
and Swiss (standard) varieties of German.


The bundle consists of the following files:

* german.ins (installation file to unpack the language definition
* germanb.dtx (packed language definition files and
  documentation for the traditional [1901--1996] orthography)
* ngermanb.dtx (packed language definition files and
  documentation for the reformed [1996 ff.] orthography)
* germanb.pdf: unpacked documentation for germanb.ldf (support
  for traditional orthography)
* ngermanb.pdf: unpacked documentation for ngermanb.ldf (support
  for new orthography)
* README (this file)


If the latest version of this package is not included in your LaTeX
distribution, do the following:

* issue "latex german.ins" to unpack the language definition files
* copy the files (austrian.ldf, german.ldf, germanb.ldf, naustrian.ldf,
  ngerman.ldf, ngermanb.ldf, nswissgerman.ldf and swissgerman.ldf)
  to a location where TeX can find them
  (default location: $TEXMF/tex/generic/babel-german/)

To re-generate the manuals, issue
* pdflatex <file>.dtx
* makeindex -s gglo.ist -o <file>.gls <file>.glo
* pdflatex <file>.dtx
* pdflatex <file>.dtx
Substitute <file> either by germanb or ngermanb.


See the included manuals germanb.pdf (traditional orthography) and
ngermanb.pdf (new orthography) for usage instructions.


See the included manuals germanb.pdf (traditional orthography) and
ngermanb.pdf (new orthography), section "Change History".

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (800.9k).

babel-german – Babel support for documents written in German

This bundle is an extension to the babel package for multilingual typesetting. It provides all the necessary macros, definitions and settings to typeset German documents. The bundle includes support for the traditional and reformed German orthography as well as for the Austrian and Swiss varieties of German.

Version2.14 2024-01-19
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright1989–2024 Bernd Raichle, Johannes Braams, Walter Schmidt, Juergen Spitzmüller
BetreuerJürgen Spitzmüller
Johannes L. Braams (inaktiv)
Bernd Raichle (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als babel-german
MiKTeX als babel-german
ThemenMulti-lingual addon
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren