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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/aeb_pro/acromemory


aebacromemory Dated: 2020-06-23 Author: D. P. Story

AcroMemory is a memory game in which you find the matching tiles. There are two versions, available as options of this package, acromemory1 and acromemory2 (the default).

acromemory1: Here you have a single game board, a rectangular region divided by rows and columns. The total number of tiles should be even, each tile should have a matching twin. The game begins with all the tiles hidden. The user clicks a tile, then another. If the tiles do not match, they become hidden again ; otherwise, they remain visible and are now read-only. The game is complete when the user, with a lot of time on his/her hands, matches all tiles. There is a running tabulation kept on the number of tries. There is also a button which resets the game and randomizes the tiles.

acromemory2: For this game you have two identical rectangular images subdivided into tiles, which are arrayed in rows and columns. The tiles for one of the two images are randomly re-arranged. The object of the game is to find all the matching tiles by choosing a tile from one image and a tile from the other image. As in the first case, if the selected tiles do not match, they are hidden after a short interval of time; otherwise, they remain visible and are now read-only. The game is over when all tiles are matched; when this occurs, end-of-game special effects occur that will dazzle the senses. There is an option to view a small image to help you locate the matching tiles on the non-randomized; useful if the image is complex. There is a button which resets the the game and randomized the tiles.

What's New v2.0 (2020-06-23): acromemory has been completely re-written so that all workflows are now supported: pdflatex, lualatex, xelatex, and dvips -> distiller.

Now, I simply must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story dpstory@acrotex.net

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (1.4M).

AcroMemory – Memory games in

The package implements two variations of a memory game:

  • a single game board consisting of a number of tiles, each tile has a matching twin, the object is to find all the matching twins; and
  • two game boards, both identical except one has been randomly rearranged, the object is the find the matching pieces in each of the two game boards.

All workflows are now supported: pdf, Lua, XeLaTeX, and dvips → distiller.

Version 2020-06-23
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2006,2020 D. P. Story
BetreuerDonald P. Story
Enthalten inTeX Live Contrib als acromemory
MiKTeX als acromemory
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