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Directory macros/generic/ifxptex


The ifxptex package --- Detect pTeX and its derivatives

CTAN Homepage: https://ctan.org/pkg/ifxptex

Repository: https://github.com/Man-Ting-Fang/ifxptex

Version: 2017-12-27 v0.2

Copyright 2017 Yue ZHANG

License: Knuth License (https://ctan.org/license/knuth)

This package provides commands for detecting pTeX and its derivatives (e-pTeX,
upTeX, e-upTeX, and ApTeX). Both LaTeX and plain TeX are supported.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (194.3k).

ifxptex – Detect p and its derivatives

The package provides commands for detecting p and its derivatives (e-p, up, e-up, and Ap). Both and plain are supported.

Version0.2 2017-12-27
LicensesKnuth License
Copyright2017 Yue ZHANG
MaintainerYue Zhang
Contained inTeX Live as ifxptex
MiKTeX as ifxptex
TopicsEnvironment query
Macro support
See alsoifptex
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