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Directory info/lshort/japanese

This is the Japanese translation of
 "The not so short introduction to LaTeX2e"
 by Tobias Oetiker, version 3.13.

00README                    Read me
CHANGES.jp                  Changelog file
READ.ME                     This file
jlshort-1.00.src.tar.gz     The LaTeX 2e document sources
                            (EUC, LF code)
jlshort.dvi                 The DVI file
jlshort.ps                  A PostScript file
jlshort-book.ps             A PostScript files for printing A5 booklet

This was done by NOMURA Masataka <nomura@cc.kshosen.ac.jp>
with the help of many person.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.1M).

lshort-japanese – Japanese version of A Short Introduction to

LicensesGNU General Public License
MaintainerNomura Masataka
Contained inTeX Live as lshort-japanese
MiKTeX as lshort-japanese
TopicsJapanese documentation
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