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Verzeichnis graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-lsystem


pst-lsystem: creating images defined by a L-system:

A L-system or Lindenmayer system is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. An L-system consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols, an initial »axiom« string from which to begin construction, and a mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures.

Save the files pst-lsystem.sty|pro|tex in a directory, which is part of your local tree. The pro file should go into $TEXMF/dvips/pstricks/ Then do not forget to run texhash to update this tree.

pst-lsystem needs pstricks, which should be part of your local installation, otherwise get it from a CTAN server, http://mirror.ctan.org

PSTricks is PostScript Tricks, the documentation cannot be run with pdftex, use the sequence latex->dvips->ps2pdf or pdflatex with package auto-pst-pdf or xelatex.

%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives %% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

%% $Id: README.md 819 2018-09-26 06:40:48Z herbert $

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pst-lsystem – Create images based on a L-system

pst-lsystem is a PSTricks based package for creating images based on a L-system.

A L-system (Lindenmayer system) is a set of rules which can be used to model the morphology of a variety of organisms or fractals like the Kochflake or Hilbert curve.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2018 Herbert Voß
BetreuerHerbert Voß
Enthalten inTeX Live als pst-lsystem
MiKTeX als pst-lsystem
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