CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory graphics/pgf/contrib/tonevalue

This package provides a tikz-based solution to typeset visualisations of tone vales. In this version (v1.0), unt's model is implemented. Support for more models is planned.

Read more in the PDF documentation.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (153.1k).

toneval – Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns

This package provides a TikZ-based solution to typeset visualisations of tone values. Currently, unt's model is implemented. Support for more models is planned.

Home pagehttps://github.com/edward-martyr/tonevalue
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/edward-martyr/tonevalue/issues
LicensesApache License, version 2.0
Copyright2021 Yuanhao (Nyoeghau) Chen
MaintainerYuanhao Chen
TopicsPGF TikZ
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