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Verzeichnis graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/expressg

    The expressg MetaPost package provides facilities to assist in
drawing diagrams that consist of boxes, lines, and annotations,
such as IDEF or UML. Particular support is provided for creating 
EXPRESS-G diagrams.

  Author: Peter Wilson (CUA) now at peter.r.wilson@boeing.com until June 2004
                             (or: pandgwilson at earthlink dot net) 
  Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Peter R. Wilson
  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
  version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any 
  later version.
  The latest version of the license is in
  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
  LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
  This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
  This work consists of the files:
README (this file)
  and the derived files:


    The distribution consists of the following files:
README (this file)
expressg.pdf (approximately 100 pages)

Changes in version 1.61 (2004/03/17)
o Added parentheses to namespace macro

Changes in version 1.6 (2004/02/29)
o Additional `box' types: outputbox, stickfigure, bullseye

Changes in version 1.5 (2003/07/31)
o Minor bug fixes

Changes in version 1.4 (2000/07/10)
o Additional line end types

Changes in version 1.3 (2000/05/22)
o Additional box and line types
o Additional examples
o Scripts for copying files basename.N to basenameN.mps, 
  where N is an integer

Changes in version 1.2 (1999/11/15)
o Additional examples

Changes in version 1.1 (1999/10/30)
o New path calculation routines
o Improved documentation

Changes in version 1.0 (1996/05/09)
o First public release

    To install the package:
o run: latex expressg.ins (which will generate expressg.mp,
                           expeg.mp, expeg.tex, n2mps.sh and n2mpsprl.prl)
o run: latex expressg.dtx
       (Note: if you don't have the docmfp package, read the instructions
              at the start of this file)
o If you want an index then run: makeindex -s gind.ist expressg
o run: latex expressg.dtx
o Print expressg.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual 
o Move expressg.mp to a location where MetaPost will find it.
o To use the scripts make them executable (and they may require editing
  to run on your system).

    The file expeg.ps contains some example diagrams. To generate your
own copy, and to test your installation:
o Move expeg.mp and expeg.tex to a working directory
o Run MetaPost on expeg.mp (probably either as: mp expeg  or as: mpost expeg)
o Run LaTeX on expeg.tex
o print the result via dvips or other dvi processor that supports PostScript

    The file aam.mp contains some more example MetaPost code. The
resulting diagrams are in aamfigs.pdf which has been generated by pdfLaTeX
from aamfigs.tex.

Peter Wilson

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expressg – Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations

A package providing facilities to assist in drawing diagrams that consist of boxes, lines, and annotations. Particular support is provided for creating EXPRESS-G diagrams, for example IDEF1X, OMT, Shlaer-Mellor, and NIAM diagrams. The package may also be used to create UML and most other Box-Line-Annotation charts, but not Gantt charts directly.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2001–2004 Peter R. Wilson
BetreuerPeter R. Wilson
Enthalten inTeX Live als expressg
MiKTeX als expressg
ThemenGrafik in
Siehe auchmetauml
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren