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Directory fonts/cyrillic/lh

lhfonts 3.5g
Cyrillic alphabet fonts ("LH") with support of LaTeX standard encodings.

     The LH fonts address the problem  of the wide variety  of alphabets
     that are written with Cyrillic-style characters.  The fonts are the
     original basis of the set of T2* and X2 encodings that are now used
     when LaTeX users need to write in Cyrillic languages.

     There are also offered the latex/lh bundle of packages for standard
     LaTeX Cyrillic and traditional encodings.

Please look installation documentation in the install

     report errors to Olga Lapko, 
     e-mail: Lapko.O@g23.relcom.ru, tr-paw@yandex.ru

lh – Cyrillic fonts that support standard encodings

The LH fonts address the problem of the wide variety of alphabets that are written with Cyrillic-style characters. The fonts are the original basis of the set of T2* and X2 encodings that are now used when users need to write in Cyrillic languages.

Macro support in standard encodings is offered through the latex-cyrillic and t2 bundles, and the package itself offers support for other (more traditional) encodings.

The fonts, in the standard T2* and X2 encodings are available in Adobe Type 1 format, in the CM-Super family of fonts.

The package also offers its own support for OT2 encoded fonts, CM bright shaped fonts and Concrete shaped fonts.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerAlexander Berdnikov
Andrey Khodulev
Olga Lapko
Vladimir Volovich
Contained inTeX Live as lh
MiKTeX as lh
TopicsCyrillic Font
MF Font
See alsoecc
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