Suggestions for updatemarks
The following packages have something in common with the package updatemarks. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
- fwlw: Get first and last words of a page
- titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page
- underlin: Underlined running heads
- clrdblpg: Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
- nccfancyhdr: Extensive control of page headers and footers
- continue: Prints ‘continuation’ marks on pages of multipage documents
- fancyheadings: Legacy headings package
- autofancyhdr: Automatically compute headlength for fancyhdr package
- chifoot: Chicago-style footnote formatting
- floatpag: Different pagestyles on float pages
- rplain: Redefines the plain pagestyle
- sfheaders: Sans headers
- scrlayer-scrpage: Define and manage page styles
- scrlayer: Manage text ‘layers’ within Koma-Script
- titlesec: Select alternative section titles
- titleps: Page style control
- fancyhdr: Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2ε
- scrlayer-fancyhdr: Combining fancyhdr with KOMA-Script’s scrlayer
- hackthefootline: Footline selection and configuration for LaTeX beamer’s standard themes
- scrpage2: Control of page headers and footers in LaTeX
- biihead: Underlined page headings
- floatnohead: Suppress page headings on float-only pages
- headerfooter: Define the layouts of page headers and footers
- uwa-letterhead: The letterhead of the University of Western Australia
- koma-script: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
- fancyhdrboxed: Elaborate page headers, specified in a non-LaTeX language
- gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
- notespages: Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
- evenpage: Ensure that the total number of pages is even