Suggestions for termsim
The following packages have something in common with the package termsim. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- sim-os-menus: Insert 'terminal' or 'context menu' or 'viewers' like in an OS
- semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics
- codebox: Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
- bitfield: Draw bit field data structure diagrams (obsolete)
- membranecomputing: Membrane Computing notation
- register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
- bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- colonequals: Colon equals symbols
- drawstack: Draw execution stacks
- csassignments: A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- csthm: Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- pynotebook: pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
- acmart: Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- framedsyntax: Typeset the syntax of commands and environments within coloured boxes
- listing: Produce formatted program listings
- xsavebox: Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects
- codehigh: Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
- miller: Typeset miller indices
- hvextern: Write and execute external code, and insert the output
- alertmessage: Alert messages for LaTeX
- dashbox: Draw dashed boxes
- eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes
- efbox: Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
- fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
- lroundrect: LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect METAPOST routines
- makebox: Defines a \makebox* command
- minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX
- pbox: A variable-width \parbox command
- nccboxes: Elaborate box commands