Suggestions for msc
The following packages have something in common with the package msc. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- tikzpackets: Display network packets
- sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures
- lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
- bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
- bitfield: Draw bit field data structure diagrams (obsolete)
- register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
- bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- lion-msc: LaTeX class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)
- bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
- scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
- bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
- havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
- thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
- scratch3: Draw programs like “scratch”
- gridpapers: Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
- highlightx: Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- quizztex: Create quizzes like in TV shows
- overarrows: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- oplotsymbl: Some symbols which are not easily available
- pas-crosswords: Creating crossword grids, using TikZ
- venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
- pascaltriangle: Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University
- tkz-linknodes: Link nodes in mathematical environments
- genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
- bearwear: Shirts to dress TikZbears
- scratch: Draw programs like “scratch”
- annotate-equations: Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
- movement-arrows: Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
- ddphonism: Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc
- tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs