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graphics – Standard graphics

The package was designed to accommodate all needs for inclusion of graphics in documents, replacing many earlier packages used in 2.09. The package aims to give a consistent interface to including the file types that are understood in your output, by use of ‘printer drivers’ (now known, simply, as ‘drivers’). The distribution of the package contains several drivers, but others (for example, pdf) are distributed separately. The package also offers several means of manipulating graphics in the course of inserting them into a document (for example, rotation and scaling).

For extended documentation see epslatex.

The package is part of the graphics bundle, which is one of the collections in the ‘required’ set of packages.

Version1.4g 2024-05-23
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1994 David Carlisle, Sebastian Rahtz
1995–2022 David Carlisle, 3 Project
MaintainerDavid Carlisle
The Project Team
Contained inTeX Live as graphics
MiKTeX as graphics
TopicsGraphics include
See alsographicx

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.9M).

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