CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

cfr-initials – packages for use of initials

This is a set of 23 tiny packages designed to make it easier to use fonts from the initials package in , e.g. with the lettrine package.

It is a response to comments on an answer at StackExchange requesting sample package files for others to copy. I had previously assumed these were too trivial to be of interest, but if they would be useful, then I would prefer them to be generally available via CTAN.

Version1.01 2015-04-06
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2015 Clea F. Rees
MaintainerClea F. Rees
Contained inTeX Live as cfr-initials
MiKTeX as cfr-initials
TopicsFont support
Decor Font

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (682.6k).

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