CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: epstopdf

Date: January 9, 2017 1:29:14 PM CET
Karl Berry submitted an update to the epstopdf package. Version number: 2.26 2017-01-07 License type: other-free Summary description: Convert EPS to PDF using Ghostscript Announcement text:
This release of epstopdf has one new feature, by user request: epstopdf infile.eps outfile.pdf creates the output in the indicated file. An output file specified this way must end in .pdf (case-insensitive), to avoid typos. For arbitrary output names, continue to use --outfile (-o).
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/support/epstopdf More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz We are supported by the TeX user groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

epstopdf – Convert EPS to PDF using Ghostscript

Epstopdf is a Perl script that converts an EPS file to an ‘encapsulated’ PDF file (a single page file whose media box is the same as the original EPS’s bounding box). The resulting file suitable for inclusion by pdf as an image. The script is adapted to run both on Windows and on Unix-alike systems.

The script makes use of Ghostscript for the actual conversion to PDF. It assumes Ghostscript version 6.51 or later, and (by default) suppresses its automatic rotation of pages where most of the text is not horizontal.

users may make use of the epstopdf package, which will run the epstopdf script “on the fly”, thus giving the illusion that pdf is accepting EPS graphic files.

Version2.36 2024-07-11
Copyright1998–2001 Sebastian Rahtz et al.
2002–2009 Gerben Wierda et al.
2009–2024 Karl Berry et al.
MaintainerKarl Berry
Thomas Esser (inactive)
Heiko Oberdiek (inactive)
Gerben Wierda (inactive)
Sebastian Rahtz (deceased)



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