CTAN update: animate
Date: September 6, 2024 2:33:35 PM CEST
Alexander Grahn submitted an update to the
Version: 2024-09-05
License: lppl
Summary description: Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
Announcement text:
This release adds minor adjustments to render animations in Mozilla's PDF viewer PDF.js. Besides Firefox, PDF.js runs in various Web browsers if loaded via https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file= To open a local PDF file, click on the ">>" button at the right end of its toolbar, then on "Open". The built-in PDF.js component in Firefox that supports animations is available as of Firefox version 130.0. It renders online PDFs, and local ones via a file://... URL.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/animate The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/animate/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
This release adds minor adjustments to render animations in Mozilla's PDF viewer PDF.js. Besides Firefox, PDF.js runs in various Web browsers if loaded via https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file= To open a local PDF file, click on the ">>" button at the right end of its toolbar, then on "Open". The built-in PDF.js component in Firefox that supports animations is available as of Firefox version 130.0. It renders online PDFs, and local ones via a file://... URL.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/animate The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/animate/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
animate – Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
The package provides an interface to create portable, JavaScript driven PDF and SVG animations from sets of graphics files or from inline graphics, such as LaTeX picture environment, PSTricks or pgf/TikZ generated pictures, or just from typeset text.
Package | animate |
Version | 2024-09-17 |
Copyright | 2007–2024 Alexander Grahn |
Maintainer | Alexander Grahn |