CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN upload notification: pst-circ

Datum: 24. Juli 2003 10:57:11 MESZ
Christophe Jorssen and Herbert Voß submitted an update to pst-circ: > Announcement text: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > update: > - added dipolestyle "triac" and use "rectangle" option > also for the transformer; > - added quadrupol optoCoupler; > - added transistor option "circle" Thanks for the update, I installed it in graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-circ For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf

pst-circ – PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits

The package is built using PSTricks and in particular pst-node. It can easily draw current 2-terminal devices and some 3- and 4-terminal devices used in electronic or electric theory. The package’s macros are designed with a view to ‘logical’ representation of circuits, as far as possible, so as to relieve the user of purely graphical considerations when expressing a circuit.

BetreuerHerbert Voß
Christophe Jorssen (inaktiv)



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