Directory systems/win32/oletex
OLETeX 1. What is OLETeX? The primary goal of this project is development of an OLE-LaTeX interface. The program is aimed to allow LaTeX users easily embed pictures and other objects produced by OLE-aware programs into their LaTeX documents keeping it platform-independent. OLETeX is hosted at OLETeX uses Windows PostScript printing features to convert ANY OLE object (e.g. Visio picture, Excel's plot,:) into an Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) file which can be easily processed by LaTeX. OLE is a MS-Windows feature allowing one to embed objects (figures, plots, controls:) produced by one program into documents handled by another one. OLETeX is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public license. Currently OLETeX is in BETA stage, so do not expect it to be bug-free. 2. How do I use OLETeX? OLETeX should be used as follows: - Create a container document (this is a file with .otx extension) using OTEditor. This will hold all your OLE objects - Use Edit a Insert object to create a new OLE object or Edit a Paste/Paste special to paste an existing one. Assign meaningful identifiers to your objects. - Save the container. - Now you can either generate .EPS files manually by clicking appropriate buttons/menu items or use OT2TeX utility. If you would like to automate OLE -LaTeX interaction, you should proceed as follows: - Add \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{oletex} to the preamble of your document. oletex.sty is a style file provided with the OLETeX distribution. - By default OLETeX will look for OLE objects in the container (.otx) file having the same name as your main .tex document (i.e. it will look for mythesis.otx while processing mythesis.tex). If you would like to use some other containers you should register them: \oleaddfile{file1.otx} \oleaddfile{file2.otx} - Make references to your OLE pictures: \begin{figure} \includeolepicture[angle=90]{demo} \caption{Word-produced picture}\label{theDemo} \end{figure} This makes a floating figure referencing to an object with identifier "demo" rotated by 90 degrees with appropriate caption and label. Note, that you can use any graphics or graphicx options here - they are passed unchanged to the underlying \includegraphics command - Compile your document: >latex mydocument.tex This will cause LaTeX to parse your file and, in particular, execute \includeolepicture commands. This command looks for EPS files named identifier.eps (demo.eps for the above example) in the current directory. If it finds one it executes \includegraphics for it. Otherwise, an appropriate warning is issued. In both cases it writes a record into a special mydocument.otl file. After latex.exe finishes its job this file contains all information about containers you have registered and OLE objects referenced in the document. This is a plain text file, so you can read and edit it in case of problems. - Resolve references to OLE objects. Execute >ot2tex mydocument.otl This will cause .otl file to be parsed and all containers referenced in it to be loaded. For each referenced identifier OT2TeX will try to find an OLE object having the same name and to generate EPS file from it. - Perform final compilation of your document. Since this may require multiple passes, texify utility coming with MiKTeX ( may be useful here: >texify mydocument.tex If everything is OK you will get a DVI file with your pictures. Note, however, that you WILL NOT be able to double-click on it in DVI viewer to change the figure. Use OTEditor for it. NOTE 1. You HAVE to rerun OT2TeX if and only if: � You have referenced some new objects � You have changed some of OLE objects in OTEditor. Otherwise, you can compile your documents in usual manner. 3. How do I install OLETeX? - OLETeX relies on Windows PostScript printing features. On Windows 9x/NT 4.0 it is strongly recommended to install free Adobe PS drivers (see for Win9x and for WinNT). On Win2K+ these drivers are preinstalled with the system. - Download the distribution at This is a self-extracting archive - Unfortunately, currently there is no installer. Run the downloaded EXE, specify a temporary directory to store files. This will extract both binaries and sources. If you are not going to use OLETeX sources you can safely delete them. - Read carefully the .HLP file and follow CAREFULLY installation instructions there. If you fail to setup EPS printer properly, you will not be able to use OLETeX. - Test your installation as described in the help file. - Enjoy it! - Take a time to write me at about your OLETeX experience. 4. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Q: I am unable to generate EPS files neither by OTEditor nor OT2TeX A: It seems that your EPS printer installation is broken. Run OTEditor, open OptionsaSettings dialog. Press Change button near the EPS-configured printer. Select OLETeX Color PS L2 printer from the listbox. If you do not see it, you should reinstall it (see help file for details). When you have it selected, press OK button and choose OptionsaSave settings. Go to Printers folder and check printing properties of OLETeX Color PS L2 printer. Check if its Postscript Output Option is set to Encapsulated Postscript and Language Level is set to 2. Check if its port is set to FILE. 2. Q: I have sent my .tex document to a friend (colleague, publisher, etc) and he is unable to compile it A: Currently, OLETeX is not a standard LaTeX tool, so most likely your colleague does not have it installed. You may solve problem in the following ways: - Make him to install OLETeX :-) - Generate EPS files for all your OLE objects, remove \usepackage{oletex} from the preamble and replace \includeolepicture with \includegraphics. Send him both .tex and .eps files. - Send him a compiled PostScript file. 3. Q: Why is it so hard to compile my .tex file with OLETeX? A: By default, TeX does not allow external program execution for security reasons, so oletex.sty cannot invoke the OT2TeX postprocessor automatically. Probably, when OLETeX becomes a standard LaTeX tool, I will try to integrate it with texify or something like it. At this time you can write batch file: 4. Q: Who and why has developed this stuff? A: OLETeX has been created by Peter Trifonov ( I was writing a report in LaTeX and had to embed some Word pictures into it. I have not found any satisfactory solution for this problem, so I started programming OLETeX. 5. How to contact me? If you have installed OLETeX, please write me to about your experience. You can discuss OLETeX at
oletex – OLE - LaTeX interface
OLETeX uses Windows PostScript printing features to convert OLE objects (from other windows applications) into EPS files for use with LaTeX.
Package | oletex |
Repository | |
Version | 1.0 b4 |
Licenses | GNU General Public License |
Maintainer | Peter Trifonov |
Topics | Graphics prep |