Directory macros/plain/contrib/plstmary
plstmary: St. Mary's Road symbols for plainTeX ---------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF: This is public domain software. All files of the plstmary distribution (listed below) may be distributed and/or modified without restriction. While every effort has been made to make plstmary useful, it comes with no warranty, expressed or implied. MANIFEST: This distribution consists of the files * stmary.tex Macros for use in plain TeX. * README What you are reading now. * plstmary-doc.pdf Documentation. * plstmary-doc.tex Documentation source (tex, etex or pdftex). DESCRIPTION: (See plstmary-doc for more details.) The command names used to produce the symbols are the same as those used in the stmaryrd package for LaTeX. The file stmary.tex loads amssym.tex. Three of the commands defined in amssym.tex are redefined by stmary.tex, but the originals are saved under different names. By default, the symbols are provided for use in 10 point documents. Commands for selecting different sizes are defined. These commands also affect the size of the AMS symbols, but have no effect on other math fonts nor on the text fonts. VERSIONS: 0.5 -- 2013/05/09 Autoloading of amssym, size changing for AMS fonts, and saving of changed AMS commands. 0.4 -- 2013/04/16 Correct \lbag, \Lbag, \binampersand and \bindnasrepma 0.3 -- 2013/03/28 Complete reorganization of internal macros, 0.2 -- 2010/12/05 Typos corrected 0.1 -- 2007/04/02 Initial version -- Dan Luecking luecking at uark dot edu Department of Mathematical Sciences 1 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA
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plstmary – St. Mary’s Road font support for plain TeX
The package provides commands to produce all the symbols of the St Mary’s Road fonts, in a Plain TeX environment.
Package | plstmary |
Version | 0.5c |
Licenses | Public Domain Software |
Maintainer | Daniel H. Luecking |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as plstmary MiKTeX as plstmary |
Topics | Font supp symbol |