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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/ted

                                The ted package

                        A (primitive) token list editor

                  Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard <mpg@elzevir.fr>


Just like sed is a stream editor, ted is a token list editor.  Actually, it is
not as powerful as sed, but its main feature is that it really works with
tokens, not only characters.

The ted package provides two user macros: \Substitute and \ShowTokens. The first
one is maybe the most useful: it performs substitutions in token lists (even
inside braces). The second displays each token of the list (one per line) with
its catcode (in the list, not just the current one), and can be useful for
debugging or for TeX learners.

The ted package is designed to work well even if strange tokens (that is,
unusual (charcode, catcode) pairs or tokens with a confusing meaning) occur in
the list.


ted.sty: the package itself
ted.pdf: the (English) documentation and commented code
ted-fr.pdf: the French documentation

ted.dtx: single source for both documentations and package

Version info

2007-12-09  v1.0    First release.
2007-12-12  v1.01   Fixed a stupid bug.
2008-03-02  v1.05   - Fixed a bug when trying to substitute AA in a
                    string ending with A. Also removed a spurious space.
                    - Added an occurrence counter.
2008-03-07  v1.06   - Fixed a bug in \ShowTokens with active spaces.
                    - Slightly expanded the doc (examples).


This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the
details of that license.

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ted – A (primitive) token list editor

Just like sed is a stream editor, ted is a token list editor. Actually, it is not as powerfull as sed, but its main feature is that it really works with tokens, not only characters.

The ted package provides two user macros: \Substitute and \ShowTokens. The first is maybe the most useful: it performs substitutions in token lists (even inside braces). The second displays each token of the list (one per line) with its catcode (in the list, not just the current one), and can be useful for debugging or for learners.

Ted is designed to work well even if strange tokens (that is, unusual {charcode, catcode} pairs or tokens with a confusing meaning) occur in the list.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
BetreuerManuel Pégourié-Gonnard
Enthalten inTeX Live als ted
MiKTeX als ted
Siehe auchpatch
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