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The musical.sty package provides tools for typesetting musical theatre scripts, particularly ones that are still under development. It's designed to make it very easy to print and distribute scripts that comply with generally accepted script formatting standards while not getting in the way of frequent changes, as works under development tend to have.

Created by Dave Howell (dh.musical@howell.seattle.wa.us), distributed under the usual LATEX Project Public License 1.3c.

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musical – Typeset (musical) theatre scripts

This package is designed to simplify the development and distribution of scripts for theatrical musicals, especially ones under development. The output is formatted to follow generally accepted script style[1] while also maintaining a high level of typographic integrity, and includes commands for dialog, lyrics, stage directions, music and dance cues, rehearsal marks, and more. It gracefully handles dialog that crosses page breaks, and can generate lists of songs and lists of dances in the show.

[1] There are lots of references for the One True Way to format a script. Naturally, none of them agree.

Version3.1 2020-04-06
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2018 Dave Howell
BetreuerDave Howell
Enthalten inTeX Live als musical
MiKTeX als musical
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