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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex



A LISP interpreter written only with macros. It works as a style file of . LISP on adopts static scoping, dynamic typing, and eager evaluation. We can program easily with LISP on .


To use LISP on , you should include the lisp-on-tex package.


If you do it, you can write LISP codes as a argument of \lispinterp.

  (\some \LISP 'codes')
  % example
  (\define (\sum \a \b) (\+ \a \b))

In LISP on , a symbol is a control sequence; a string is tokens surrounded by quotation marks; and an integer is a 's integer using colon prefix.


Put all files into your TEXMF tree.


Class Options

Option Name Meaning
noGC Never using GC (default)
markGC Using Mark-Sweep GC
GCopt=... Passing option to the GC engine

Currently, LISP on supports Mark-Sweep GC. If you want to use it, you should use markGC option. You can also control heap size by using GCopt={heapsize=n} where n is greater than 3000. The default heap size is 32768. For example, the code

\usepackage[markGC, GCopt={heapsize=5000}]{lisp-on-tex}

shows that LISP on uses Mark-Sweep GC and the heap size is 5000.


Kinds Literals Examples
CONS Cell ( obj ... . obj ), ( obj ... ) (\+ :1 :2)
Integer : 's integer :42, :"3A
String ' 's balanced tokens ' '\foo{bar}baz'
Symbol 's control sequence \cs
Boolean /t or /f
Nil ()
Skip @ 's skip @12pt plus 34cm
Dimen ! 's dimen !56pt

Functions and Special Forms


\define : Define a symbol.

% symbol form
(\define \foo :42) % ()
\foo % :42
% function form
(\define (\foo \n) (\* \n :2))
(\foo :3) % :6

\defineM : Define a mutable symbol.

\setB : Rewrite a mutable symbol.

% symbol form
(\defineM \foo :42) % ()
\foo % :42
(\setB \foo 'bar')
\foo % 'bar'

\defmacro : Define a macro.

\macroexpand : Expand a macro

(\defmacro (\foo \x) (\list (\quote \bar) \x \x \x)) % ()
(\macroexpand (\quote (\foo :1))) % (\bar :1 :1 :1)

\lambda : Create a function.

% normal form
((\lambda (\x) (\+ \x :2)) :3) % :5
% list form
((\lambda \x \x) :1 :2) % (:1 :2)
% remain argument form
((\lambda (\x . \y) \y) :1 :2 :3) % (:2 :3)

\let : Define local symbols.

(\define \x 'foo')
(\let ((\x :4) (\y :3)) (\+ \x \y)) % :7
\x % 'foo'

\letM : Define mutable local symbols.

(\letM ((\x 'foo'))
  (\begin (\setB \x 'bar') \x)) % 'bar'

\letrec : Define local symbols recursively.

  ((\oddQ (\lambda (\n)
             (\lispif (\= \n :0) /f (\evenQ (\- \n :1)))))
   (\evenQ (\lambda (\n)
             (\lispif (\= \n :0) /t (\oddQ (\- \n :1))))))
   (\oddQ :42)) % /f

Control Flow

\lispif : Branch.

(\lispif /t 'true' 'false') % 'true'
(\lispif /f 'true' 'false') % 'false'

\begin : Execute expressions.

(\letM ((\x :1)) (\begin (\setB \s 'foo') \x))
% 'foo'

\callOCC : One-shot continuation.

(\defineM \x 'unchanged')
(\callOCC (\lambda (\c)
             (\begin (\c '\foo ')
                     (\setB \x 'changed')))) % '\foo '
\x % 'unchanged'
(\callOCC (\lambda (\c) :42)) % :42

String Manipulations

\concat : Concatenate tokens.

(\concat '$' '\foo ' '{bar}' '$') % '$\foo {bar}$'

\intTOstring : Convert a integer to 's tokens.

(\intTOstring :42) % '42'

\group : Grouping.

(\group '\some {tokens}') % '{\some {tokens}}'

\ungroup : Ungrouping.

(\ungroup '{\some {tokens}}') % '\some {tokens}' 

\expand : Expand tokens.

\newcommand\foo[1]{I got #1!}
  (\expand '\foo{Foo}') % 'I got Foo!'

Arithmetical Functions

\+ : Addition.

(\+) % :0
(\+ :1 :2) % :3
(\+ :3 :4 :5) % :12

\- : Subtraction.

(\- :1) % :-1
(\- :3 :2) % :1
(\- :3 :2 :1) % :0

\* : Multiplication.

(\*) % :1
(\* :2 :3) % :6
(\* :3 :4 :5) % :60

\/ : Division.

(\/ 2) % :0 (1/2 -> 0)
(\/ 7 2) % :3

\mod : Modulo.

(\mod :42 :23)  % :19
(\mod :3 :2)    % :1
(\mod :3 :-2)   % :1
(\mod :-3 :2)   % :-1
(\mod :-3 :-2)  % :-1

\>, \<, \geq, \leq : Comparison.

(\> :3 :2)   % /t
(\< :2 :3)   % /t
(\geq :3 :2) % /t
(\geq :3 :3) % /t
(\leq :2 :3) % /t
(\leq :3 :3) % /t

Some predicates.

(\isZeroQ :0)    % /t
(\positiveQ :42) % /t
(\negativeQ :-2) % /t

\max : Maximum.

(\max :-10 :-5 :0 :5 :10) % :10

\min : Minimum.

(\min :-10 :-5 :0 :5 :10) % :-10

Logical functions

\and, \or, \not : Logical and, or, not

(\and /t /t) % /t
(\and /t /f) % /f
(\or /t /t)  % /t
(\or /t /f)  % /t
(\not /t)    % /f

Traditional LISP Functions and Special Forms

\quote : Quote.

(\quote :42) % :42
(\quote (\+ :1 :2)) % (\+ :1 :2)

\cons, \car, \cdr : CONS, CAR, CDR

(\cons :42 'foo') % (:42 . 'foo')
(\car (\quote (:1 :2))) % :1
(\cdr (\quote (:1 :2))) % (:2)

\list : Create a list

(\list :1 :2 (\+ :3 :4)) % (:1 :2 :7)

\length : Get the length of a list.

(\length ()) % :0
(\length (\list :1 :2 'three')) % :3

\map : Map function.

(\define (\f \x \y \z) (\+ \x \y \z))
(\map \f (\list :1 :2 :3)
         (\list :4 :5 :6)
         (\list :7 :8 :9)) % (:12 :15 :18)

\nth : Get the n-th value of a list (starting with 0).

(\nth (\list 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') :1) % 'bar'

\= : Equality.

(\= '42' :42) % /f
(\= :23 :23) % /t
(\= (\cons :1 'foo') (\cons :1 'foo')) % /f
(\= 'foo' 'foo') % /t

\texprint : Convert a object to 's tokens and output it to the document

(\texprint (\concat '\foo' (\group '42'))) % return () andoutput \foo{42}
(\texprint :42) % output 42

\print : (For test) output a object as 's tokens

(\print ()) % output ()
(\print (\quote \foo)) % output \string\foo
(\print :42) % output :42
(\print 'bar') % output 'bar'

Type predicates

(\symbolQ (\quote \cs))
(\stringQ 'foo')
(\intQ :42)
(\booleanQ /f)
(\dimenQ !12pt)
(\skipQ @12pt plus 1in minus 3mm)
(\pairQ (\cons :1 :2))
(\nilQ ())
(\funcQ \+)
(\closureQ (\lambda () ()))
(\defmacro (\x) ())
(\macroQ \x)
(\listQ ())
(\listQ (\list :1 :2))
(\atomQ :23)
(\atomQ 'bar')
(\procedureQ \+)
(\procedureQ (\lambda () ()))


\readLaTeXCounter : Read an integer from

  (\readLaTeXCounter 'foo') % :42

\message : Wrapper of 's message

(\message 'output') % output "message" to console and return ()


\read : Read a LISP expression from stdin

(\read) % input :42 and return it

\fgets : Read a string from stdin.

(\fgets) % input \some {tokens} and return '\some {tokens}'

Additional Packages

Fixed Point Numbers

The package lisp-mod-fpnum adds fixed point numbers to LISP on . Load it by \usepackage:



Kinds Literals Examples
Fixed point number +{fpnum:: number } +{fpnum::1.23}


\fpnumTOstring : Convert a fixed point number to a string.

(\fpnumTOstring +{fpnum::1.23}) % '1.23'

\fpplus : Addition.

(\fpplus +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::1.4}) % 2.59999 (arithmetical error)

\fpminus : Subtraction.

(\fpminus +{fpnum::4.2} +{fpnum::2.3}) % 1.9

\fpmul : Multiplication.

(\fpmul +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::1.4}) % 1.67998

\fplt : Comparison.

(\fplt +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::2.3}) % /t

Regular Expressions

The package lisp-mod-l3regex is thin wrapper of l3regex. Load it by \usepackage:



\regMatch, \regMatchResult : Match.

(\regMatch 'hoge+' 'hogeeeeeee') % /t
(\regMatchResult '(\w+)\s+is\s+(\w+)\.' 'He is crazy.')
% ('He is crazy.' 'He' 'crazy')

\regExtract : Extraction.

(\regExtract '\w+' 'hello regex world') % ('hello' 'regex' 'world')

\regReplaceAll, \regReplaceOnce : Replace.

(\regReplaceAll '(\w+?)to(\w+?)' '$\1\c{to}\2$' 'AtoB BtoC') % '$A\to B$ $B\to C$'
(\regReplaceOnce 'foo+' '[\0]' 'foooofooooooo') % '[foooo]fooooooo'

\regSplit : Split.

(\regSplit '/' '/path/to/hogehoge') % ('' 'path' 'to' 'hogehoge')


  • Writing user manual
  • Add functions and special forms


Oct. 25, 2015 : 2.0

  • Add GC
  • Refine some special forms like define
  • Add checking #args for some functions.
  • Add thin wrapper of l3regex

Jul. 12, 2014 : 1.3

  • Add one shot continuations.
  • Add some arithmetical functions.
  • Debug environment.

Jan. 03, 2014 : 1.2

  • Added TUG2013's examples.
  • Improved the performance.

Aug. 10, 2013 : 1.1

  • Added letrec and expand.
  • debug

Mar. 04, 2013 : 1.0


Modified BSD (see LICENCE)

HAKUTA Shizuya <hak7a3@live.jp>


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lisp-on-tex – Execute LISP code in a document

The package provides a LISP interpreter written using macros; it is provided as a package.

The interpreter static scoping, dynamic typing, and eager evaluation.

LizenzenBSD Style License
BetreuerHakuta Shizuya
Enthalten inTeX Live als lisp-on-tex
MiKTeX als lisp-on-tex
ThemenExec foreign
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren