Directory macros/latex/contrib/cweb/contrib/cweb-hy
Dear User: I present to you an evolution of the excellent CWEB class, originally by Joachim Schrod. The purpose of the new files is twofold: 1.- To allow a file written using this class to be included in other documents, as for instance as an appendix to some report. For this, the file nodoc.tex may be of help. 2.- To insert hyperlinks from the places where a chunk of code is referenced to the chunk itself, including the indices that are produced at the end of cweb document. The result makes it a lot more easy to follow the code if it is typeset using PDFLaTeX, or is otherwise processed to obtain a PDF or an HTML file, and makes no harm in the paper version of the document. The installation is straightforward. Put the files cweb-hy.cls and cwbasehy.tex where TeX can find them. Since cweb.cls was installed under tex/latex/literate, may I suggest you put all these files under tex/latex/liter-hy, all paths relative to your TEXMF hierarchy. 1 The Class as a Package. For using the class as a normal package (with \usepackage{cweb-hy}), you simply have to copy the file cweb-hy.cls with the name cweb-hy.sty, so that it is found by LaTeX. How this works I can explain as follows. Suppose you have a file called whatever.w such as -------------------------------------- % Very simple CWEB \documentclass[]{cweb-hy} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ae} \begin{document} \title{Whatever} \author{Me} @* CWEB program. This is your program. @c @<Header files@>@/ @<Main program@> @ If we want to use the system resources, we must insert the definition of the standard functions. @<Header...@>= #include <stdio.h> @ The code makes whatever. @<Main...@>= int main(void) { printf("Whatever\n"); exit(0); } @ \end{document} -------------------------------------- And suppose further that you want to make a report including your beautifully typeset program (with CWEB and TeX). Well, with the CWEB class as it stands, you can't. However, with the very simple changes I have implemented, you could say \documentclass{report} \title{All my life's programs} \author{Me} \begin{document} \part{Rationale} Blah, Blah... \part{Programs} \section{Makes Whatever} \input{whatever} \end{document} and the file whatever.tex will get just in with all your very skillful code and clear documentation, everything typeset by TeX. The package accepts almost all the options the class does, but I decided not to include some auxiliary files with the cross-references in the former case. For two reasons. I am unsure as to how to do it and it is a bit overwhelming if you are in a large document to have these sections. I guess it can be done, however, and I guess you may like it. Drop me a mail in this case. You may now say to yourself, how is this going to work, if in my file whatever.tex there is a \documentclass, etc. all forbidden in a document's body? You have two choices. One is to delete all the offending commands and \input the diminished file. Another is to use nodoc.tex which I also provide. This nodoc.tex inhibits all offending commands for a while ---long enough for LaTeX not noticing it---, and restores the definitions just in time for you to have your dose of error-messages if you dare putting a preamble macro in the wrong place. For using it, simply add an \input{nodoc} at the very beginning of your file, and you will then be allowed both to typeset your file with LaTeX directly and to include it in other files, at the expense of a very limited memory use. 2. Making screen versions of your programs Programs are cumbersome to follow. With CWEB your programs get a better structure, are better typeset and are more easy to understand. They remain, however, hard to follow because you have to move paper to and fro, looking for the referenced code. Using this new package, and if the documentation file (the one obtained with cweave) is processed to provide a screen version that can use hyperlinks (such as with PDFLaTeX, xdvi, dvipdfm) with the help of the hyperref package, the screen version you get has all the program chunks linked and referenced, so that when one is used or cited, there is a link you can click on to get to the adequate place. If you do not use the hyperref package no harm is done and the changes take no effect. Enjoy yourself with this demonstration of my clumsy TeX programming, and let me know if you experience any problems. Please write to Enrique Mel�ndez <> in case of failure, being as precise as you can with the error, possibly with a short example that demonstrates the failure, and providing a workaround (in the best of the worlds :-)) Regards, Enrique Mel�ndez By the way, no responsibility is held. I did this for fun (among other things) and it worked for me. it may not work for you or, if it works, it may not perform exactly as you intended. If you write to me I can try my best to solve your problem (and I probably will try), but I make no formal promises. See the GNU public license for details.
cweb-hy – Insert hyperlinks for included files
The class cweb-hy extends the LaTeX port of cweb to offer hyperlinks from references to a function to its definition. The class is implemented so that it can also be called as a package, and by this means you can incorporate a cweb program source in another document.
The class is distributed as part of the cweb bundle.
Package | cweb-hy |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Enrique Melendez |
Topics | Litprog Class Hyper |