CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/generic/tracklang

Generic TeX Bundle : tracklang v1.6.1 

Last Modified      : 2022-12-13

Author             : Nicola Talbot  (dickimaw-books.com/contact)


This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 for the details of that license.

Copyright 2014-2022 Nicola Talbot


The tracklang package is provided for package developers who want a
simple interface to find out which languages the user has requested
through packages such as babel and polyglossia.  *This package
doesn't provide any translations.*  Its purpose is simply to track
which languages have been requested by the user.

LaTeX usage: \usepackage{tracklang}

TeX usage: \input tracklang

LaTeX code is in tracklang.sty. Generic TeX code is in tracklang.tex.

Related article: "Localisation of TeX documents: tracklang."
TUGBoat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (1.8M).

tracklang – Language and dialect tracker

The tracklang package is provided for package developers who want a simple interface to find out which languages the user has requested through packages such as babel or polyglossia.

This package does not provide any translations! Its purpose is simply to track which languages have been requested by the user.

Generic code is in tracklang.tex for non- users.

Version1.6.1 2022-12-13
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2014–2022 Nicola Talbot
BetreuerNicola Talbot
Enthalten inTeX Live als tracklang
MiKTeX als tracklang
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