Directory macros/generic/tex-ewd
TeX-EWD is a set of plain TeX macros that helps typesetting formulas, calculational proofs, and programs written in Dijkstra's style. See for the `dot notation', i.e., the style for formulas and proofs, and the book Dijkstra, "A Discipline of Programming", Prentice Hall, 1976 for the `guarded commands language'. The file dotnot.tex contains the (generic) macros and hints how to use them, the files t1.tex and p0.tex demonstrate their usage. The macros where testet using TeX-GPC. This software is licensed to you under the terms of a BSD-style license, see bsdlic.txt for details. Enjoy, Wolfgang Helbig Stauferst. 22 71334 Waiblingen November 2008
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tex-ewd – Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style
Edsger W. Dijkstra and others suggest a unique style to present mathematical proofs and to construct programs. This package provides macros that support calculational proofs and Dijkstra’s “guarded command language”.
Package | tex-ewd |
Version | 2008-11-10 |
Licenses | BSD Style License |
Copyright | 2008 Wolfgang Helbig |
Maintainer | Wolfgang Helbig |
Contained in | TeX Live as tex-ewd MiKTeX as tex-ewd |
Topics | Maths |