Directory macros/generic/poster
Save the files poster.sty|tex in a directory, which is part of your local TeX tree. Then do not forget to run texhash to update this tree. For more information see the documentation of your LATEX distribution on installing packages into your LATEX distribution or the TeX Frequently Asked Questions: (
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (98.8k).
poster-mac – Make posters and banners with TeX
The package offers macros for making posters and banners with TeX. It is compatible with most TeX macro formats, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AmSTeX, and AmS-LaTeX. The package creates a poster as huge box, which is then distributed over as many printer pages as necessary.
The only special requirement is that your printer not be bothered by text that lies off the page. This is true of most printers, including laser printers and PostScript printers.
Package | poster-mac |
Version | 1.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 1993 Timothy Van Zandt |
Maintainer | Timothy Van Zandt |
Contained in | TeX Live as poster-mac |
Topics | Poster |
See also | poster a0poster sciposter |