Directory macros/cstex
Toto je adresar obsahujici CSTeX. Obsahuje tyto polozky: nazev typ poznamka ---------------------------------------------------------------- zmeny.txt textovy soubor Udaje o aktualnich zmenach v CSTeXu license.eng textovy soubor Licence CSTeXu v anglictine textovy soubor Licence CSTeXu -- cesky preklad lic-gpl.eng textovy soubor Text GPL -- nejcasteji pouzite licence cstexman.pdf link na doc/ Manual k CSTeXu -- referencni manual base adresar zakladni balicky CSTeXu web2c adresar instalace CSTeXu ze zdrojovych kodu pro web2c emtex adresar CSTeX pro DOS, OS/2 a mozna Windows minitex adresar Funkcni podmnozina CSTeXu pro DOS tetex-rpm adresar CSTeX pro UNIXy, baleno jako rpm pro Linux unix link -> web2c (pro zpetnou kompatibilitu) os2 link -> emtex (pro zpetnou kompatibilitu) msdos link -> emtex (pro zpetnou kompatibilitu) chyby.txt textovy soubor Zname chyby v CSTeXu Petr Olsak
CSTeX – Support for Czech/Slovak languages
This package mirrors the macros part of the home site’s distribution of CSTeX. The licence (modified GPL) applies to some of the additions that make it a Czech/Slovak language distribution, rather than the distribution of a basic Plain/LaTeX distribution.
Package | CSTeX |
Licenses | Free license not otherwise listed |
Copyright | 2002 Petr Olšák |
Maintainer | Petr Olšák |
Contained in | TeX Live as cstex |
Topics | Distribution |
See also | cslatex |